Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all predict the future? I am certainly not a fortune teller, but I am making these three predictions about wedding flower trends for 2015. As much as we all like to consider ourselves as unique, styles usually come in waves.
Baby’s breath is still in; and more than ever! I am getting requests for bouquets for bride’s maids that are composed of just light bunches of baby’s breath and pretty fabric ties. Containers filled with baby’s breath, and chair markers are popular too. Baby’s breath is often requested as an accent flower, or a filler also. When used correctly, it does give a lightness to the look of the flowers.
In the many years that I have been servicing weddings with fresh flowers, I can count on 1 hand the amount of Bride’s floral crowns that have been requested. I am now in frequent conversation with brides about floral crowns. It is a lovely look, but has to be well thought out. You will want to be sure that the bride has the right size and style that suits her “look”. This particular floral crown was a big hit with the bride and her family as soon as she placed it on her head. The woman doing her hair was happy that it was just the right size, and not overwhelming.
This past month, so many brides have asked me to use blue flowers in their weddings scheduled through out this year. Of course there are not a lot of varieties of natural blue flowers that are always available. In the spring, I like the Hyacinth varieties. In the summer Lavender, delphinium and iris are usually available, and come in light and dark blue. I love blue thistle, but it is very unique, and not everyone wants it in their flower arrangements. And of course there is Hydrangea. This seems to be a favorite for light blue palettes right now. I refuse to dye flowers, and many brides see flowers in blue shades that do not grow naturally in that color, so I try to keep them aware of what is natural and what is contrived.